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It took forever but rewards are finally sent! If you paid for July rewards and haven't received a message, please let me know!

Whew, I'm back! I certainly took my sweet time lol but for good reason. By that I mean my motivation issues have been fixed. Turns out its a combination of things but mainly:

  • Lack of Sleep - I was sleeping between 3-6AM and waking up at 12PM everyday for the past few months and that made me cranky and drained.
  • Unsatisfying Linework - This one is a bit technical, but I was trying to develop a clean and 'manga' like lineart but clean lines simply isn't my forte. I only noticed this once I got back to drawing because apparently I was too tunnel-visioned and couldn't place it before >.<
  • "Efficiency" - I've been adding 1 minute timelapses for my art for $10 patrons. It was something I did as a nice bonus but I realized that it was actually putting unnecessary pressure on me because I wanted to look perfect in my timelapse. That meant that I was forcing myself to draw perfectly, like I obsessed over nailing down a curve in 1 stroke, I avoided undoing too much so it would seem that I'm blazing through my art, or I avoid redoing stuff etc etc. In short, I was trying to make myself seem perfect and in the long run it snuck up on me and gave me so much frustration. I made an imaginary "supervisor" who watches behind my back when I draw lol

Anyway those are the main things and I'm happy to say that I pretty much squared them away. I fixed my sleeping schedule, like I actually wake up at 8AM everyday. Once I start waking up early, everything just seemed to sort themselves and I feel like I have a lot more energy and time during the day! For linework, I pretty much gave up on having clean lineart and embraced my rough linework :P I think my strength lies in my coloring anyway. For efficiency, I just dropped timelapses altogether and just focus on the process of drawing itself. Timelapses are nice to do from time to time but I no longer want to make it a habit.

Oh yeah I also played a bunch of games and caught up with other stuff without feeling guilty about doing them. Overall, I think the break absolutely did wonders for my mental and physical well-being! Now it's time to get back and draw draw draw!

That's all for now, as always thanks for your support! ^^



Hey don’t overwork and please take care of yourself. We will still be here to support and are waiting for what great pieces you have to make. Also as a small joke I hope this “Supervisor” isn’t some hallucination from lack of sleep haha.

Homer Simpson

Glad to hear this break has made you feel well! I would like to inquire how September billing will work seeing that we're nearing the end of the month.


No worries, Sendo! Your health, physical and mental, comes first. We don't mind. &lt;3


Billing starts at the start of the next month, so September billing would be on October 1st. I'm not pausing September billing if that's what you were wondering. I'm very late with starting September stuff, but I should finish the rewards within the first 2 weeks of October.