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Hey everyone just wanted to let you know that I'm pausing my Patreon for August. This means you won't get charged on September 1 and this also means that there will be no August rewards. I'm still finishing up July rewards which hopefully finish by the end of the week. I know it's really really late ^^;

I just feel a bit demotivated lately because of a number of things. A week or two of just plain rest and relaxation always seem to work for me so I figured a break is in order. Take care of yourselves everyone. I'll talk to you guys again soon! Cheers! ^^



Sounds good! Have fun! 🥰


Rest up well. We will still be here to support!


Self-care is key! Don't worry about other things!


No worries, Sendo! You take care of you. Health is important, both physical and mental. <3