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2021 started terrible for me so I'm taking a few more days to finish the December rewards. I know I'm really late but please bear with me for just a few more days 🙏🙏

In the meantime, I finally finished a Wiz illustration! I honestly really love how this turned out. Smiling Wiz just makes me happy ^^

On another note, January 11 is Rhea's birthday so I'm gonna try to finish another Rhea drawing for her special day! ^^

Finally, here's a timelapse of the Wiz illustration. I'm gonna start including the full-quality(mp4) timelapse for $10, just as an extra bonus.




That's a really precious smile

Thomas Estrada

Great work on her as always. 🔥


Since you didnt say what happened that ruined your 2021, i hope it doesnt hurt to ask what happened..if not, then thats fine and i hope you dont let it get you down. We still have a lot more days in the year for you to make it better so whatever happened in these past 10 days, dont let it ruin the next 355/354 days depending on where you are.


It's a combination of things but mainly I got sick (it's not COVID) and some family stuff. It just wasn't a good time all around and it really put a damper on my new year. But yeah, things are mostly resolved now so it's time to get back to the swing of things. Thanks a lot btw, I appreciate your concern!

Spicy Boi

Drive fast, eat ass, live fast, die young! THE MOTTO. You’ll get past this and come out stronger, and your art will be even better! Much support Sendo!


I'm sorry the start of your year has been so rough, Sendo! Makes me feel guilty that, compared to 2020, the first week of 2021 has actually been nothing but good news and cowgirl artwork for me...


My whole heart @wiz. If you look up perfection in the dictionary it just says “See Wiz.”


Your health and general well being should always come first so if you need more time then take it! :) And my god is Wiz gorgeous, her curves never disappoint and her energy is wonderful, great work! And I look forward to the rewards once you have the time to finish it up :)


Please, take good care of yourself! Your health is very important and always comes first. I wish you the best!! Your work is amazing and really makes my day!


You shouldn't feel guilty my friend. On the bright side, I have a good feeling for 2021 so I'm really looking forward to what's in store for me ^^


Happy new year and good health to you