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Alright guys, October Poll is now up!

Note that there will be only one (1) winner of this poll. The reason is I want to put the same effort in drawing the winner as my favorite characters (ie Wiz, Rhea, Iris Heart)

I also want to point out that the Gwynevere in the poll is my own version that I did for the Six Fanarts meme back in April. If she wins, I'll use my own design ^^

Final thing, regardless of who wins, I may pick another character from the poll to draw. I know this defeats the purpose of the poll, but the reality is I like some characters more than others. I draw better if I like or I'm familiar with the character. It's unprofessional but it is what it is.

Thanks for all the suggestions!



Lets go Baiken!


Damn genshin impact...


36 votes... Wow! That's a new record!