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Hey guys, I have a something to talk about but before that I just want to remind everyone that I've sent the August rewards a few days ago~ If you haven't received a message and you have paid for the August term, let me know so I can send you the rewards link ^^

With that out of the way, let's talk about the character suggestions and polls.

Basically, I will not be doing the usual "Suggest a Character then Poll for Character to Draw" this month. One because I'm terribly late, but the bigger reason is that I noticed that I'm not really giving it my all in the reward pieces.

I'm sure some of you noticed and I'm not gonna beat around the bush, I keep the nice composition and creative ideas for characters that I want to draw. Like the lovely Wiz here 😊 This composition/outfit idea was originally for a reward in August but I thought that it fit Wiz better ^^

So what's gonna change for September:

1. No character suggestions (affected: $5 and $10);

2. There may or may not be a poll to help me decide on an outfits/poses/etc (affected: everyone)

If characters suggestions and the polls are a major factor in your pledge, I recommend lowering your pledge or cancelling altogether before the October 1st so you don't get charged - both options are completely fine by me, please don't feel bad for me or anything I don't take it personally. Think of it this way, if you like the stuff I draw, keep on pledging. Also depending on how I do for September, I might lower the poll winners going forward (so instead of 3 I might end up with 1 or 2) Time will tell I guess.

Anyway, so what am I gonna draw for September rewards? Glad you asked :3

Here's my line up:

1. Wiz (Already done, but I have another idea ^^)

2. Purple Heart + Iris Heart (Neptunia)

2b. Solo Iris Heart lewd

3. Rhea lewd (Fire Emblem Three Houses)

4th (if I have time): Lusamine (Pokemon)

As you can probably tell, I love these characters and as it turns out that's the secret to drawing faster and better, who knew 🤔🤔

Also it's quite a lot, but I have a feeling I can do these within a reasonable timeframe (ie finish all rewards before mid-October). The theme for each piece is not set in stone, so I might poll some ideas/poses/outfits etc.

Basically I just want to draw my ideas for a bit lol but I hope that explains everything. Let me know if you're confused about anything.

That about wraps up this post. I hope you like the Wiz piece, I really enjoyed drawing her, cheers ^_^




Wow <3


Really love this, no words to explain <3


I'm here for Wiz, so, meanwhile there will be Wiz I will be here This month rewards were better than last and I thought you were on the way once again But everybody has right to breath fresh air when need it By the way, I really love this Wiz


Rhea lewd and two Iris Hearts (one lewd) and potential Lusamine lewd 👀 Anyhow, no worries on the rewards, I figured you'd need to catch up at some point!


Finally, my monthly dose of Wiz x_X sooo beautiful :3 Great Job Sendo!!! Hope you're doing well :)


Purple Heart + Iris Heart no lewd?


I somehow forgot to reply, but yeah, that one will not be lewd but it will be a bit sexy.