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Let's start with the fanart poll winners:

Once again, thanks for all the votes! We have a tie for the 3rd place and I'll decide later who I'm going to draw for the 3rd place.


In other news, I missed the initial release date of Cabin of the Dead... I worked on a lot of things, unfortunately they really didn't amount to a lot of actual in-game progress 😞

Here are some of the stuff I worked on: https://youtu.be/0eBP_f8PAqg  (Improved Cutscene system, a better map, and reworked the battle system)

A big problem is that I lost interest in this project. While working on it I keep thinking that it would really work better as a fantasy game.

The bigger problem is that I actually don't want to lewd Elise. And that makes it a failure of an eroge. I really, really tried, but I think I'm just not cut out for ero stuff after all 😞😞 In fact, I'm having way more fun with making the battle system and literally any other stuff except the ero part.

So rather than prolonging this and having this constant debate with myself, I'm just gonna call it quits and cut my losses. I know I said I want to finish this project, but my heart just is not into it. Still, I feel really bad for those who cared about it. I'm really sorry.

As much as I'd like to soldier on, there's only so much time and I want to spend it on stuff I truly enjoy. As for eroges, I think I'll just consume them rather than create them.

With all that said,  I don't want to crucify myself for failing - I don't want to fall into despair again. On the bright side, this was a great opportunity to learn game dev and I'm excited to put what I've learned into a different game (it will definitely NOT be an eroge) but that's a story for another time.


For now, I need to finish up the drawing rewards for this month (as well as my June Wiz!!) I'm really cutting it close now lol.

I think that's all for this post. Again, I'm really sorry to those who were looking forward to Cabin of the Dead. It is now officially dead (sorry I couldn't resist that pun)




Every time the imperfection can accumulate experience, I hope you can finally make a game to your satisfaction(Neptunia best XD)


I mean, at this point, I might actually make it because the Nep franchise has been in a steady decline 🤔