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This is going to be a bit of a longer post so let's just jump right into it.

First, let's talk about the poll results:

The image above is the Final Adjusted Poll results, and as you can see we have a 3-way tie for 2nd place! Don't think we need a tie-breaker because I'm just gonna choose who I like the most from the 3. With that said here's the final results for this month:

1st - 2B (Nier: Automata)

2nd - Tearju (ToLoveRu Darkness)

3rd - Jeanne (Fate/Grand Order)

And as seen in the OP image, I started with Tearju because I like her design. Hope you like it so far! Since this is a patreon reward, it will have a nude version, so please look forward to that ^_^


Now onto Eroge dev news!

I've been working way too much on the game that I've started losing sleep because of it. I know that it's not healthy but I just find the development process too fun and sometimes I wish I didn't need sleep so I can keep working on it lol.

Anyway, there's quite a lot of changes since the last post. The biggest being: I reduced the scope of the project to only have 1 heroine (Elise).  The reason is that while I'm working on the game, I keep coming up with ideas for gameplay/story/scenarios that I couldn't add in this game. And I think some of those ideas are pretty fun.

HOWEVER, I absolutely need to finish what I start because I hate announcing a project and then quit halfway only to start another project. I've already done that for the past few years and that only left me with bitter feelings and regret for not having finished a single project.

So, I'm reducing the scope so that I can finish the game sooner. I think this Zombie game is pretty fun and I'm excited for the final product myself ^_^

Now onto actual progress. First, I'm proud to show off this new art direction! Basically I removed the harsh outlines from the environment art so that the characters stand out more. I also changed the color palette to a more muted and softer one and I think it works pretty well! :D

Here's a comparison:

Next piece of progress report:

I finally implemented a Cutscene System! It's still lacking in functionality, but adding more features to it is a lot easier than coming up with the system in the first place. I also managed to implement a Day & Night System because I'm changing the gameplay as well.

I also attached a video preview of the Cutscene and Daynight system. See the attachments since I can't embed the video directly in this post.

I'm removing ranged weapons because it's really easy to cheese the zombies and I don't particularly want to make smarter zombies since that's not the core of the game: it's an eroge and I want to put more emphasis on the ero. The player will do have a melee weapon to fight off zombies and that should provide enough challenge, that's my thinking right now.

Instead of focusing on battles, I'm thinking that the gameplay should revolve around survival: ie, gathering food supplies - I'm thinking each day requires a certain amount of food, and it's game over if you can't feed yourself or Elise. Another gameplay element would be finding comfort/entertainment items that would allow you to bond with Elise and eventually lead to H-scenes.

What do you guys think about that? Feel free to let me know in the comments ^_^

It's been really fun working on the zombie game and I'm really excited to keep working on it! Next week, I'm aiming to finish up an inventory system (which is pretty simple to implement) and work on the actual story and perhaps better sprites for Elise.

Anyway, that about covers everything I wanted to talk about for now. Cheers! ^_^




Well, I wanted to see your Lalatina/Darkness xD So, talking about polls, for the votes would be good avoid winners from last month, new ones loose votes by the old ones and like this time, old ones weren't choosed and it's pretty bored to see same characters all the time (excepting by our goddess Wiz). About the game, I think ideas are good (even if it's only one heroine), so a question, will run only on pc or would you release an android/ios version?


Well I do include various charactera each poll, sometimes a character is just too popular so they get voted again. For your other question, I'm currently only targetting PC, but once I finish the PC version I'll look into making an Android version. I dont have plans to support IOS.


Ok, was only a suggestion... For me, it's perfect if after would be there an Android version, I think there aren't too many erogames on mobile, I guess...