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And the results are in!

1st - Noire (Neptunia)

2nd - Tamamo no Mae (Fate Extra)

3rd (Tie):

  - Rhea (Fire Emblem Three Houses)

  - Tohru (Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)

I was actually planning on drawing Rhea even if she didn't place but I'm glad that she made it anyways. I'm gonna be drawing all 4 of them since I want to end the year strong!

I've also been pondering about my plans for next year. It's 2020 - the start of a new decade. It just feels like the perfect call for adventure for a new direction. I still haven't ironed out all the details, but I just have this burning desire to get good at 3D and make a game with my 3D art. The good news is, I have plenty of time to do that ( ´ ω ` ) I do want to stress that going 3d doesn't mean abandoning 2D. 2D is my bread and butter so I will never abandon it!

That's all for now. Thank you for all the votes and I hope you're enjoying the holidays! I'll talk to you guys real soon.  

Original post starts below


Boys its time to choose your sexy santa! 

As always, thanks for the suggestions and I'm really curious to see who comes up on top 🙏🎅 



Here's hoping for Sonico If not her, then Tohru

El Repuesto

Well, it's all over. God : (


Will it be lewd and have sex?