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Just wanted to touch bases with you guys since some of you might be wondering what I've been up to.

First, I disconnected from the internet for the past week or so to avoid distractions. Basically, I switched from developing a 2D game to a 3D one and so I've been studying and practicing 3D art to make models.

Now a 3D game is a lot more complicated than a simple 2d game but I realized something while I was working on the 2D game. So I was doing pixel art and sure it's 2d, but its different from high resolution art that I'm familiar with. And it occurred to me: "If I'm going to learn a different form of art, wouldn't it make sense to just go above and beyond and learn 3d?" I absolutely adore pixel art but it's a different skill and I feel like going 3D would make the most of my time because I do plan on going 3D in the future, so why not now?

And so, I dropped the 2D game and quickly started looking up tutorials for 3D modelling and started to learning ASAP. And let me tell you, it is an exhilarating feeling to learn something new! I kinda regret not doing this sooner but hey, better late than never!

Unfortunately, as a beginner in 3D character art I don't have presentable stuff to show you guys just yet, but I'm learning  steadily. I'm very excited to show you stuff once they're ready. Learning takes time and it's grueling at times, but I can honestly say that this is a correct decision and my future self would thank me :P

Speaking of thanks, this is only possible with your guys support. I know this isn't exactly what my Patreon is all about but it's thanks to you guys that I'm able to explore other interests without worrying too much about my finances. Thank you so much for your support! This really means so much to me. Rest assured that I'm not abandoning my Patreon and 2D lewd illustrations, I just want to learn 3D and git guuuuud at it :D

Anyway, I've finished my 3D study session early today and sketched some art for this post. Hope you like them and for $5 and $10 patrons, the Character Suggestion post is up so feel free to head on over there to post your suggestion.

Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you guys again soon! ^_^

tl;dr Dropped 2D game to make 3d game. Realized, I need to learn how to make 3d models so I'm studying that. I definitely will not abandon my Patreon and 2D Lewd illustrations!




I wish you all the best in your study! And hope there will be a waifu who with long twintail,garter belt and love to have sex~


Good luck with your project, looking forward to the final results. Also please give us some thicc waifu goodness in the game. I am talking Rhea thicc. 🤤


I'm literally making thicc mommy models so you can definitely count on that 😊


Then consider me one of your first customers once the final product is out