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Alright boys here's the 1st poll of the month! 

We have two entries from Fire Emblem: Three Houses because I'm not gonna lie I'm enjoying the game and I want to draw some lewds for it. I guess they will have to go through the poll first :P

And man Summon Night! I never actually played the main series and I kind of feel left out about it but I have played the Gameboy Advance spin-offs and absolutely loved those! I'm now reminded of those summer nights where I grinded those games. Games are amazing man.

Anyway I'm just rambling now. Thank you for all the suggestions and let the voting begin!



Man, so many good choices! I can't seem to pick between best girl Kurumi and Hilda (though I've not yet played Three Houses)....


Aaaaa I know Aty's not gonna win but here's hoping!!


well if even the theme of this is a date it has to be DAL, Kurumi is pretty good anyway :p


Look like Kurumi win~ Could you draw this clothe? It's very sexy https://www.amiami.com/cn/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-042679 https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=74984088


Hey that's actually a neat outfit. I might draw her in it, thanks!