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Hey guys, I'm really sorry for the long delay.

I've been having trouble with finishing my drawings. The reason is I just feel so unsatisfied with the quality of my drawings right now. God I don't want to make this yet another rant/whining post so I'll just say this: I wish it was easy to just flip off my "quality control" switch ‾\_(ツ)_/‾

Anyway, I'll finish what I can until the weekend so I can finally move on from June rewards. I've already brooded over these for way too long. Hope you like the WIPs so far and thank you for your continued support, it really means a lot to me! :)



El Repuesto

I forgot about it, lol, but don't worry man, this artwork is so awesome, and you are really doing your best, so please don't forget that we all support you. Great job, and don't feel pressured or down, you will make it :D