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I'm a little late but rewards has just been sent! As always, let me know if you haven't received your reward and we'll get it sorted out.

Apparently, colored comics take a long time to do. At least when I'm using my default illustration style. To save time and for my own sanity, I need to either do grayscale coloring or devise a simpler colored style. I want to do the latter because coloring is probably the process I enjoy the most :3

Why am I even doing comics, you might ask. The biggest reason is storytelling. That aspect is generally absent in my illustrations since they're just singular scenes most of the time. I just feel like improving on that front will help me improve tremendously even for just stand alone illustrations.

It's mostly an uncharted territory for me though so there's quite a lot of trial and errors ahead and a shit ton of things to learn. But at the same time, it's fun :3 Downgrading my coloring style will probably help me understand my own style better. Believe me, sometimes I look back at some of my older art and wonder how in the world did I color it lmao.

In any case, I'm not suddenly going to do full-blown comics. That would a terrible idea and I like to consider myself an illustrator first and foremost. I'm slowly easing myself into comics though so expect more of it in the future! Who knows, maybe I'll be able to draw a full-color 18-page doujinshi someday ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyway, that wraps up this post. Thank you for all you support!

Cheers! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و



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