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Hey guys, first of all I'm sorry for the delay once again. Things piled up but I've cleared all but one commission and I'm also finally finishing up February rewards (only QBZ to go)! Hope you enjoy Iris Heart, it's always a pleasure drawing her :3

If everything goes well, I should be able to send the rewards tomorrow. Note that it's just QBZ97 and Iris Heart (above) for February because commissions. Thanks to commissions I can focus solely on Patreon and personal stuff for the next month or two, which really helps me.

Speaking of personal stuff, I decided to participate in Nanoreno 2019. It's a game jam that runs from March 1 to April 6 and the goal is to make a Visual Novel. I joined because I want a change of pace since I've been doing just illustrations lately. Making a short visual novel seems like the perfect answer for that.

I don't think it will affect my Patreon too much compared to commissions since I plan to take it easy (simpler style and smaller working resolution) I just want to draw without thinking too much about the quality, not that I'm going to be all sloppy. 

Anyway, I still have work left to do so that's all for this post. I should become a lot more active once I'm done with the rewards and the final commission! :3



El Repuesto

Perfect, no worries. Is always welcomed any Iris Heart artworks. Great job :D

twii (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-20 21:21:27 Ganbatte as always >w
2019-03-09 22:55:19 Ganbatte as always >w

Ganbatte as always >w