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I'm late again, but let's just get on with it because there's quite a bit to talk about in this update. Let's start with the reveal of another heroine for Ceres Nova. Please welcome our new heroine, Eleanor Moon!

Eleanor Moon

She is never seen without a smile. Combined with her graceful and dignified demeanor, one could almost mistake her as a princess. However, she is an archmage of Holy Magic and one of the few who has achieved mastery of the spell Clairvoyance. Her talents would see her employed in Ceres Nova, enjoying the admiration of both the students and the faculty.


What do you think? I know that her outfit is very revealing so I plan to cover her up a bit. I just love this kind of "easy access" design for someone who is supposed to be "holy" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Progress So Far

I spent most of this week trying to finalizing the map because you'll be on this screen for the majority of the game, spoiler no it's not finalized yet. However, I think I'm on the right direction. Originally the plan was to draw the map by hand but I really didn't have a solid plan for the school's layout so I kept redrawing it. Since I was wasting too much time redrawing, I just gave up and used 3D.

An attempt was made ;-;

3D Mock up in Blender

2D Composite Test (I will paint over the renders once I've settled with a layout)

3D is so convenient. It's so easy to rearrange things and even create new designs once you have the pieces. I really wish I had done it sooner


I'm going for a Victorian aesthetic for building designs because it looks elegant and grandiose, which fits Ceres Academy because it is supposed to be a prestigious academy.

Unfortunately gameplay video will have to wait honestly it's just barren. Which is to be expected since I'm doing everything at the moment (from art to story to coding). I'm not complaining though, progress is slow and it can get frustrating sometimes... but it's satisfying. There's something about building a world that I find so endlessly fascinating!

Okay this isn't really a visual progress but hey I've ran out of things to show. At least the colors are pretty, I think!

So to summarize: small progress on all fronts, but progress nonetheless.



That said, I do need to take a quick break from this because I'm dying to draw some fanart. See, I also did some character design research and discovered some neat, NEAT, designs. Well, I am familiar with them but I never really inspected them.

The characters are:

  • Lusamine from Pokemon Sun and Moon
  • Urd from Ah my Goddess
  • Fran from FFXII

Note that the last two are brown skinned characters and if you haven't guessed yet, I want a brown-skinned heroine for Ceres Nova as well :3 As for Lusamine, I really like her color palette and more importantly her bold and aggressively angular hair. What a design!

I don't think I'm going to draw all of them (at least not a fully-polished illustration for all of them) but I need to scratch that drawing itch. I also have something nice lined up for Wiz this month and I can't wait to draw her _(:3」∠)_

Anyway I think that wraps up this week's update! Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments~




She's adorable! Can't wait to see more characters!


I'm really interested in your game >< thank you for all the updates!