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  Quick Rundown:

  • Two winners (1st and 2nd place) will be drawn 
  • One vote per person. Every vote counts!
  • Poll will end on 00:00 August 10 UTC+8 . That's a week from now.

Thanks for all the suggestions. Let the voting begin! 

※  Chris Yukine's outfit is not the one from the anime so you might not recognize it. I just thought it looked cool so I'll be using that IF she wins :3 



You didn't get messed around by recent Patreon changes did you? I saw a few artists just suddenly had their followers and stuff tank pretty hard from them.


Oh I think the update only affected users who were using Charge Upfront? I'm using the default setting (charge in the first of the month). Seems like it's all good on my side. A shame that happened to the other artists, that must be disastrous.