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I'm pausing Patreon for July (ie no charge on Aug. 1st) because I couldn't finish everything I needed for the Patreon Revamp. I got sick for about a week and a half which killed all my progress and momentum. It wasn't anything serious (I got the flu, not covid, but then I also got chikungunya right after the flu so it took more than a week altogether)

Anyway, I'm all better now but things really didn't go as planned for July. But here are some stuff I worked on.

Drew these Tae after I recovered. Not bad but not great either, I was very rusty after a week of not drawing so I'm scrapping these and redrawing Tae's set.

Here's an unfinished Sonia sketch.

And here's a small progress report for Quick Fics.

Word count is about 6K. I rewrote the intro but other than that I'm pretty happy with the script so I'm doing art next.

When I was sick I watched some old anime and I rediscovered just how much I enjoy old anime art style. The ones I watched all had vivid color schemes and are not afraid to use the darker tones.

So I'm changing the style of Quick Fics to imitate that older anime style. Obviously I can't suddenly recreate the style 100% (especially the backgrounds!) but I think I have a good idea on how to go about it, see pic below.

In summary, I:

  • use a darker and more vivid color palette

  • draw lineart without line weight (or use it sparingly), this combined with drawing in the final target resolution (1920x1080) makes it so character lineart are consistent across CGs and Sprites

  • color with simple aliased cel-shading and only use 100% opaque colors , no fancy soft brushes and opacity brushes

  • limit colors to 3 or 4 (base color, highlights, shadows, deeper shadows (optional))

So basically I'm simplifying the art style. The biggest benefit of doing this is that I color characters so much faster. My default style can vary wildly from one pic to the next so having these hard rules will hopefully make it easier for me to maintain consistency and actually finish and not keep redrawing/recoloring stuff.

I'm hoping to finish Quick Fics very soon because there's only 5 months left in 2024 and I still have to finish Emerald Dawn. I know I said to only work on 1 project at a time but I succumbed and started work on my personal project.

In my defense I only work on it a few hours here and there, mostly when I get tired of drawing. I'm mostly doing brainstorming, world building, and a bit of character writing. One thing I can tell you right now is that it won't be a VN and I will most likely make the game in Godot instead of Ren'py. Yapping will be kept at a minimum and gameplay will take priority. It's still in the early stages so things will definitely change but yeah that's all I can say for now.


That's all for now! July was not very productive but I'll do my best to change that for August and beyond.

I hope you like the Rhea and Byleth piece btw! Pretty happy with it ^^ It was for Three Houses 5th anniversary and I kinda combined it with summer but well I'm late. Can't believe it's been 5 years already! Byleth Rhea still gives me life tho ^^



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