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i just wanted to try rotoscoping!! was kinda relaxing and fun and didn't take too long. but i started out at 18fps and it was taking a reallyyyy long time to complete (even with a loose sketchy style)

so i tried it again at only 8fps which was a lot easier to manage. but the movement obviously isn't as smooth.
so i think if i try this again i'll attempt it at 12fps!

not sure if i'll actually do anything else with this song/dance or if i'll just attempt a new one but thought you guys might like to see it anyway  xD


1up Girl rotoscope test (actual version lol)

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there was an issue with the fps in the video i exported, but i updated it now so the fps should hopefully display properly now JHBFGHSVBFJAF

Ryan Gatts

18 seems like a really hard fps to time to. I mostly work at 8 (film on 3s), 12 (film on 2s), 15 (video on 2s), 24 (film), and 30 (video). The film subdivisions are easist for doing key-to-key stuff because it's easy to do evenly spaced breakdowns and have them line up with easy fractions of a second, and since I tend to switch fps all the time during the animation, easy subdivisions make that task simpler (that said, they don't actually play back with perfect timing on the 60 hz displays we all use, so sometimes I work at 30fps but plan all my animation at 32 fps so the division is simpler. It makes playback slightly slow but it's much easier to fiddle with timing)


i wish my brain could properly process this kind of information asjfbadfh. even though i'm directly working with this stuff i still don't quite "get" it (i mean, i do, but.... don't, at the same time lol) i do appreciate the additional information coming from a more experiences source though, so thank you! not sure i'll be working with 18fps again coz it honestly just took way too long bahahaha