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As much as I've enjoyed the prompts I have for Kinktober, I'm thinking of quitting the challenge now. Recently, my life has taken a turn for the worse, with a very close family member being hospitalised, a wave of new problems coming at me, and a pervasive cloud over my head trying to get each day's prompts done while juggling all of that. The fact it all happened now frustrates me to no end, and it's left me feeling genuinely miserable about my art. While I'd love to finish kinktober, my mental health's really been taking a big hit, so I think it's best if I stop now. I'll likely upload what I still have then stop what I'm doing.

For patrons, where we're gonna go from there is still up in the air. I'm thinking of holding another fanart poll some time this month, after I've taken some time to get my head straight and do something for Elizabeth, who won last month's poll. As always, though, your thoughts are so valuable to me, and having your feedback would help me to work out where I'm going, so by all means, leave a comment with your thoughts on all this. Thank you.



if you need to take some time off, please do, your health mental or physical is more important than trying to push out more art that you don't feel good about, so take as much time as you need to feel better then jump back into it

Jeffrey Beam

There is no art without the artist, your health should come first