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Now that the winners of this month's fanart poll have been announced, I'm happy to open an ideas thread for this month! 6 dollar patrons can suggest ideas and scenarios for the month's winning girls, and if I like them enough, you might see them come to life! Obviously, this isn't a confirmation that your suggestion will make it in, but it acts as a form of community outreach, so I can hear what you, the fans, want from my art! Comment below with your thoughts!



How about for Samus, Peach dresses her up in the princess dress, much to Samus’ dislike, and she ties her up and gags her to silence her complaints?

Prime Meima

For Alisa, how about something like this: Alisa's love interest, Rean, decided to visit her. She felt happy but was not ready for this, so her maid, Sharon, pulled a surprise on her.


Since its Halloween, maybe Samus is the Trick and Peach uses her as a replacement for Bower, tying her to a throne to wait for him to come capture her?