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So it's a day early (I'm celebrating my birthday tomorrow with delicious sugar-free cake!), but today is Patreon day! The day where I thank my patrons for being awesome. I'll continue updating my blog every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday - but my dear patrons, Saturday (even though it's a Friday - work with me here!) is your day. This month I'm talking about benchmarks and yardsticks for modifiers and how to figure out which ones need what value. And yes, that is a Ogre Lego Tank - 'cause Ogres are cool, y'all. http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2014/09/gamemasters-guidepost-benchmarking.html#.VByWKfldU2Q


Ravens N' Pennies: Gamemaster's Guidepost: Benchmarking Modifiers

Figuring out exactly what a given modifier should cost that's not in the rules can be extremely trying for any GM - much less a new GM. Here's a couple of tricks I've learned over the years as both a GM, a game designer, and a writer.


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