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What makes players tick? How do you get them to have fun? Well...you get into their head. You find out what they want (even if they don't want to tell you) and then you force feed it to them until they can do the RPG truffle shuffle of characterization. That's right, in today's Guidepost I talk about getting your players to have fun and how to do it like a sneaky ninja pirate GM. http://ravensnpennies.blogspot.com/2014/09/gamemasters-guidepost-player-psychology.html#.VBX6yvldU2Q


Ravens N' Pennies: Gamemaster's Guidepost: Player Psychology

I like to think of myself as a student of human behavior. What makes people tick. Why they do what they do. That sort of thing. I learned early on to detect minute changes in the moods of others and its stuck with me my entire life.


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