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When you're creating a campaign it's your job as the GM to provide a world where the players can thrive or find their character concept useful. A improperly vetted campaign can cause a lot of damage - but a improperly vetted character can end it. I continue on talking about my GM creation process in this month's "Assembly Required," this time I wax on about player character concepts and how to open a dialogue with your players. http://ravensnpennies.blogspot.com/2014/08/assembly-required-development-step-five.html#.VAFJ9DJdU2Q


Ravens N' Pennies: Assembly Required: Development Step Five - Player Character Concepts

If campaign prep is 60% of the campaign, then player character prep is the other 40%. As I've stated before, these blog posts are not about a quick game with your friends or at the FLGS. They are a careful, thought-out methodology that is meant to produce campaign settings that will last you more than a single campaign.


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