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I've been gone for a while thanks to a fun a fun back injury (Evaluated my back and then Attacked - I never saw it coming). But while I was laid up I got to thinking (a dangerous pastime) because even if I'm in pain and my body don't work that don't mean my brain ain't going on all cylinders. So I says "Brain, how would we handle a Evaluate maneuver like the treacherous door did to us?" and my brain says "Well, hell, I don't know...a f*cking skill roll?" and I says "Damn, that ain't bad." and my brain says "Well, duh, I'm the part that thinks and your just the writer-guy." so of course my imagination got uppity...and this is what came out. The Evaluate maneuver as a skill roll... http://ravensnpennies.blogspot.com/2014/08/gurps101-evaluation-as-skill-roll.html#.U-qpjfldUW4


Ravens N' Pennies: GURPS101: Evaluation As a Skill Roll

Douglas Cole tossed down a gauntlet (as he usually does) while I was ill (I hurt my back about 2 weeks ago and it's just now that I've been able to type or write for extended periods of time).


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