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Here's a general schedule for what's going on this month with my Patreon.

March 1st: Pledges will start to be processed. Usually this all happens on this day, but declined pledges might be charged again to see if it'll go through.

March 5th: I'll be releasing the three Patreon Specials for the month along with the FREE special.

March 5th: Post polls for the FREE special for all and February's specials. You can find those here and here.

March 8th: "Open mic" for the month at the RnP Discord where we'll discuss whatever comes to mind from gaming to movies to well, anything but politics or religion really. I hope I'll see y'all there. Soft start at about 2000 hours EST and will last for 60 to 90 minutes.

March 10th: Post a Fiction Special. This month will be from my supers universe, AEON. No idea quite what yet.

March 19th: Close down polls for next month's specials.

March 22nd: Second "open mic" on the Discord for the month.

March 30th: Do rough drafts of new month's Patreon Specials and release them to all those at the $10 and up for feedback and comments. Afterward, layout and final editing to get them ready.


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