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Today is GURPSDay and today the Brotherhood of Bloggers Who Blog Too Much have organized a most excellent topic: New Beginnings. Well, as a 90s band once said "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." When we lose a player from our gaming group it can be hard to replace them. You've probably got things just the way you like them and the players are used to each other. introducing an unknown element can disturb that balance. So how do you make it work and find a new player? Today's post answers such questions and draws on decades of running games (and sometimes just totally screwing them up).


Gamemaster's Guidepost: Dealing With Player Turnover

One of the unavoidable truths of running a campaign for any length of time is player turnover. It happens. People have to live their life and sometimes that means they have to be responsible and say "No more games today/for a while/etc."


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