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Blog or Treat! Mysterious deals made behind even more mysterious doors have brought to you the week of Blog or Treat! The Brotherhood of Bloggers Who Blog Too Much has seen your hunger for Halloween-themed critters and creatures. We know what dark needs lurk in your heart...

Today, I bring you "The Raven Mocker" - one of the most terrifying beings of Cherokee legend. It's so badass and scary that it's a witch, vampire, and shapeshifter ALL at once. It's only weakness is the strength of Will of others to stand up to it. View this post only in the day and out of the shadows if you can...


Triple Threat: The Raven Mocker

Note: In honor of the first annual "Blog or Treat!" I present a nasty monster from Native American mythology. Called the ka'lanu ahkyeli'ski (preferably during the day, in sunlight, never indoors, and away from any nearby shadows) the Raven Mocker is a horrific being form Cherokee legend (though it shows up in other tribes occasionally) that is a kind of shapeshifting vampire witch.


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