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Today, Kalzazz was kind enough toss an interesting gear idea my way. The Flogging of the Blog will continue until the Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter hits all its stretch goals!

The Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter has funded...but we're not done yet. We blasted through another stretch goal over the weekend. Come on, guys. We can get through another one in a couple of days. Remember all GURPS and Pyramid purchased from w23 count toward the Kickstarter.




The Hurt Locker: Mana Bucklers for Dungeon Fantasy

Mana Bucklers are usually a fancy, heavy gem marked bracelet traced in magical runes. Unless worn by a mage this is all they are. When worn by a mage the Mana Buckler can be activated by a simple ritual, using either a Concentrate maneuver or an IQ based 'Fast Draw Mana Buckler' roll.


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