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"Huh! Magic! Good God y'all! What is it good for?" "ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!" That's right - it's good for everything because it's freaking magic. Want a better sex life? Magic. Want to incapacitate criminals easily? Magic. Want to have a greener lawn? Magic. That's right - you can do it all with magic. I ponder about what magic might be used for in any given campaign in this week's Gamemaster's Guidepost... http://ravensnpennies.blogspot.com/2014/07/gamemasters-guidepost-my-thoughts-on.html#.U7xcrfldUW4


Ravens N' Pennies: Gamemaster's Guidepost: My Thoughts on the Social Implications on Ritual Path Magic

Ritual Path Magic is the new kid on the block as far as popular magic systems go. It's got a lot going for it: flexibility, self-consistency, ease of use, well you get the idea - I'm a fan. But I'm also a advocate.


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