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Wanna be awesome? Use an awesome weapon. Wanna be twice as awesome? Use twice the number of swords! (I guess that means Coleopteran are four times as awesome and can only be countered by Peshkali who are SIX times as awesome.) Today's post is about using two weapons at the same time.

(I've spread out the Patreon posts a bit - but still on schedule! On or before the 5th my lovely Patrons)

Haven't been to the Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter and pledged yet? Do eet! Can't afford shipping? The secret masters are working on it! Prefer PDFs to an actual physical product? They've done that too! Go pledge. Get us funded. Pretend you are Nike and just do it. Do it for the kittens. Do it for lulz. Just Do Eet!


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