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So one of the ideas that came up when I was asking how I could up my Patreon game was a podcast. Now, I've been looking to do a podcast for about a decade now but I've never been able to find the time to a) record good clean audio and b) do the post-production work that comes with it. I don't like doing things unless I'm going to do it right so the idea has sat in the background for a good long while. About five years ago I even bought all the equipment I'd need to do it - I just never got up off my keister to do it. I think that's going to change in the next couple of months or so as I have someone willing to do post for me and making time is on the agenda. Sooooo... probably going to do a podcast. But I wanted to come here and crowdsource some ideas:

1) Should it be audio or video?

2) What should I discuss? 

3) Should it be scripted, freeform, or something in between?

4) How often should I do it? (I'm thinking monthly)

5) How long should it be? (I'm thinking between 15 and 30 minutes)

6) Should this be something for everyone? I'm thinking yes, but Patreon patrons get early access and it's for all patrons.

7) Should I consider guests or other speakers?

8) What are some features other podcasters do that you really like?

9) Something I've forgot?

That's all I got for now. Thanks for being awesome, y'all.



This is all just solid gold. Thanks everyone. Other comments still welcome!


1) audio, or both some folks will want to watch your face on youtube, but if you focus on good clean audio you'll reach the widest group 2) GURPS the (un)glamorous life of a full time writer GMing tips tricks and styles. In no particular order. A "when to use [gurps supplement name] series by you would be riveting for me, as would dramatic readings of session notes. 3) More structured than scripted, Have an agenda but be ready to get in the weeds if it's interesting (you can alway edit out tangents that are not. 4) maybe every other week? definitely if its monthly be consistent on the release date. 5) Most of the casts I favor seem to be 45 min to an hour per episode sometimes longer for the fiction/story types 6)Yes for everyone Only a very few podcasters make significant money off the podcast, but it,s good for building interest in everything else you do 7) yes or no you should pick a format that is just you, or you and a guest and stick mostly with it. 8) My favorite podcasts are modern radio shows, next down the list are discussion podcasts focused on a certain field. 9) always have some episodes in the hopper for release. Releasing on schedule and frequently enough to stay in peoples minds is huge. Let a two month gap happen and your fans will have found something else to fill their lists with. Building a following takes a lot of investment before you start to reap the rewards.