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Thinking about gamemastering lead me down a road I wasn't prepared for - my own path. I put down some hard-won wisdom so you can benefit from it.


Gamemaster's Guidepost: Reducing GM Overhead - Ravens N' Pennies

Roleplaying games in general can get complicated even if it's far on the end of narrativism. Simulationist RPGs tend to get a bad rap for overcomplications, rules, etc., but narrativist games can have the same problem with the GM having to interpret on the fly when a circumstance or event happens in game that the [...]



Nice read. Unpredictable players is what makes it fun for me, otherwise with the skills I have I could just program a player simulator and GM to them :D


You won't be right all the time - unless you're a helluva card player and then you should be in Vegas or Atlantic City - but you should be in the right back.


I grew up playing free-form roleplay with no dice. I GM less for the excitement and more for analysing what and how my players break something. Because one thing we can't roll a dice for is our human brain/neural network... Which would be a few multi-trillion 5000-sided dice... But hey im also an aspie, so... I'm the boring simulationist.


I don't find you boring at all. :-) And there is nothing wrong with free-form. Did some of that myself