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Every skill for every man - that's what I always say...wait, what do I always say? Ignore that gobbledygook and pay attention, you ever have a character who was omni-competent? Could do damn near anything? I love those types of characters. In this installment of Gamemaster's Guidepost I talk about playing a Jack of All Trades and what traits you might need. http://ravensnpennies.blogspot.com/2014/06/gamemasters-guidepost-master-of-none.html#.U5_GMfldUW4


Ravens N' Pennies: Gamemaster's Guidepost: Master of None

Jack of All Trades is one of my favorite GURPS Talents and is among my favorite character archetypes. The everyman, with every skill is, after all, an awesome motif. Partly inspired by this post, I got to thinking how I've used Jack of All Trades in my own campaigns and what characters (PC or NPC) I've seen that embody the type so well.



Bravo! on your choice of graphic! I love Bruce Campbell! And Jack was awesome cheesy fun!


Me too! Bruce is the man. He hasn't done anything I don't like and I've watched everything he's done. :-)