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Notes on my current absence from blogging.


Carpe Blogiem: Absence | Ravens N' Pennies

You might be wondering where I've been. First, sorry about that. My personal life is just hellish right now. My family has been in and out of the hospital with cancer, COVID, and strange microbleeds in their organs. I've been supporting people as best I can but it's taken its toll on me in time [...]



Man I get it. I’m a fan, but I like to think I’m a decent person too. As long as I am financially able I’ll keep “patreonizing” you. I take care of my 82 year old mother. In and out of the hospital a lot. Odd hours. I totally get it.


Thank you, Schaeffer. Things are calming down a bit now and hopefully they won't catch fire again and I can get back to making games and posting things. I really hope so anyways.


I hope so too amigo! For all of us.