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So I'm a bit morose these days. One of my oldest friends and a member of my gaming group has Stage 3 Kidney Disease. He is, in effect, dying. To say that I'm shredded by this news is an understatement and honestly this is probably going to be my last entry for at least a week. Otherwise I might write something about zombie body parts snacking on human flesh or something. Anyways, today's entry is about the Terminally Ill disadvantage and how it's essentially "free points." There's no such thing as a free lunch, son, and I'm here to modify, mutate, and manipulate the advantage until you pay for that lunch.


Ravens N' Pennies: Gamemaster's Guidepost: Optional Rules for Terminally Ill

In GURPS there's a disadvantage for seemingly everything. Are you nuts? Take a Delusion! Do you take damage when exposed to green rocks from space? Take Weakness! And so on and so on, GURPS is modular enough that you can represent just about any sort of negative (or positive!)


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