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Our goal for this month is almost done! Here's a reminder of it:

"It’s a Kind of Magic: This month I’m looking for five new signups for Patreon or pledge increases by existing patrons. Your reward? Your choice of new RPM magic spells, new Sorcery spells, or new standard Magic spells in a Patreon Special form. I’ll be sourcing ideas for these from existing patrons.. If I get twenty or more new $5 pledges or upgrades from existing users I will release a new magic system. Current contenders are either a hack of RPM, a symbol magic system (yes, fully worked, it’s practically a small book), or some variation of Sorcery."

So how can you help? Just up your pledge to $5 or greater. We only need 10 more upped or new pledges to meet our goal and we're about halfway through the month. So help a struggling writer and get a cool new magic system/hack out of it in the process.


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