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You know the character type. He knows a "guy" who knows a "guy." He's got friends in every city and every walk of life, and everyone bloody well owes him a favor. He's the face man, but he's also the fixer. He can find the guy you need for the job or the diamond-tipped industrial drill at 3 in the morning. In this week's Gamemaster's Guidepost I talk about Contacts, Contact Groups, and new options for being that "guy who knows a guy." http://ravensnpennies.blogspot.com/2014/05/gamemasters-guidepost-i-know-guy-who.html


Ravens N' Pennies: Gamemaster's Guidepost: I Know a Guy Who Knows a Guy

You know the character type. He knows a "guy" who knows a "guy." He's got friends in every city and every walk of life, and everyone bloody well owes him a favor. He's the face man, but he's also the fixer.


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