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Gamemaster's Guidepost: Dungeon Fantasy Loot Rolls

"Let's go fight a dragon!" "Okay!" 10 hours later.... "THE LOOT! THE LOOT! THE LOOT IS ON FIRE!" "We don't need that loot, let it burn!" "Wait...what?" Okay. You're on a roll gamemastering your litter of murderhobos and suddenly you need some treasure. Any treasure. Oh, god what will you do? I got you covered with my random loot tables that also include new rules on how to quickly adjudicate treasure in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy.



Pardon my asking, but where do you arrive at the numbers for rolling coinage? Mostly how it is decided whether to roll 3d gold coins or 3dx5 silver or 12dx18 copper or such. I don't see anything here or in DF8 about this.


Mostly pure gut and some formula equal to starting wealth that I no longer possess.