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And I'm back with the primer for my Chronicles of Ceteri campaign again. This entry is about divine gifts and those who wield the power of God Himself or His agents. It also covers those who worship other spirits or beings.


Carpe Blogiem: The Chronicles of Ceteri Primer - Divine Gifts | Ravens N' Pennies

In The Chronicles of Ceteri universe there are three types of divine gifts. The first is the province of Judeo-Christian saints and holy men. In Ceteri, there is a monotheistic deity who is the real deal and he gives powers over nature and reality to his chosen few.



I really do like this set up. I’ve done something similar, at least in background. What I did is remove the very to level. People with certain mental illness were once called “touched” as in “touched by the hand of God.” (Blame reading Julian Jaynes in my late teens for that one.) This also coupled with the fact that anything that truly encompasses eternity is beyond human comprehension (in my opinion) that leads to PCs only interacting with “defined” spirits such as angels, loa, etc. As far as defining abilities and powers I turned to Gurps Vodoo as my guide.


I think the divine could be comprehended in /concept/ as a general thing, but not in entirety. That's why I have it set up this way. Mysterious ways are literally baked into the set design for God in Ceteri.