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I talk some more about my new campaign and where it's leading me.


Carpe Blogiem: Ruminations on a Wuxia Campaign II | Ravens N' Pennies

Like my previous post this one is kind of an "outloud thinking" as I work through my notes, sources, and mind to tie together a campaign. I think the first thing I need to get right is the atmosphere. Wuxia is not just martial arts, flying fist, and furious action.



I’ve never played Feng Shui but I’m vaguely familiar with the set up and some of the products; have you played with Feng Shui? Does it have any inspiration for you or are these some common tropes found in Wuxia? I’m just curious and no offense is intended.


None taken. I've heard of Feng Shui, but I've never played it. I should probably at least look at the wiki entry for it. Thanks for the heads up!