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Some thoughts on a new wuxia wainscot campaign setting.


Carpe Blogiem: Ruminations on a Wuxia Campaign | Ravens N' Pennies

Ahhh, that new campaign smell. I know, I know, you're thinking "Dude, this is like the third one in as many months. What gives?" Well, what gives is pretty simple: If a campaign doesn't spark for me I don't force it. That way lies burnout for gaming period.



I’m looking forward to the updates on this campaign. In one of those weird coincidences after reading your article I watched (yes, I ended up binging it) SEIS MANOS on Netflix. Let me just say I believe the series could definitely give you an extra idea or two. Not that you’re lacking in that department.


My plan is to kind of go through the process of making a campaign on my blog. We'll see how long I can keep that up. But that's the plan. I'll check out SEIS MANOS. Looks interesting.