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Today is the second day of the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Magic Items 2 kickstarter. Today I present another magic item/artifact for your use. This one is from my Dungeon Fantasy Aersalus campaign and is one of my favorite "types" of magical weapons: an *intelligent* one.


The Hurt Locker: Bloodblade | Ravens N' Pennies

To help push (and celebrate!) the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Games Magic Items 2 kickstarter I'm going to release 1 new or converted magic item per day until the kickstarter closes. Here is the second one: a artifact from my Aersalus campaign setting Bloodblade Power Item: 30 FP Suggested Origins: Magical and Spirit.



I started to think 'Chaz', the sword from Sluggy Freelance, but this is way creepier. As a GM I think I'd play it that the trapped demon can't merely command his current wielder to destroy the blade; seems like if the Demon could he would have done the 'Mount Doom Lava Treatment' a long time ago to get out...


That's actually a great point. Hmmm.