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It's a late GURPSDay, but still a GURPSDay. Today is a short post on my one of my articles that was published in Pyramid.


Designer's Notes: The Fifth Attribute | Ravens N' Pennies

The Fifth Attribute began life in my campaign "The Awakening" in mid-2014. I wanted a way to tie in all the supernatural powers of that campaign setting along with a few campaign features to make a working cohesive framework. It took me the better part of a month to write it and I began with ...



We've been using this article extensively in an Infinite Worlds multicrossover game I'm playing in; it's great for modeling magic from settings like Shadowrun, Harry Potter, World of Darkness, etc. where being mystically powerful doesn't necessarily entail being traditionally smart or charismatic. It's been immensely useful there so far, so thanks for putting this system out there! :)


I'm glad to hear it! This article actually started out life in a campaign, then went to Patreon, then I polished it and sent it into Pyramid


"There are no real outtakes from this article as everything got published that I wanted to get published." Now that's something great to hear. I still look at the designer notes for Alternate Ritual Path Magic and wonder what might have been, there were quite a few outtakes there.


Many of the major outtakes were published in Pyramid: Familiars became "A Familiar Path", much of Incantation Magic is the deeper cuts of Effect-Shaping RPM, The Fifth Attribute IS "Based on a Static Attribute" RPM, and so on. The *other* stuff is likely to end up here at some point. Like Tree Magic as RPM or Shamanic Magic as RPM.


Ah cool. I really like the Fifth Attribute, but I haven't had a chance to use it yet in a campaign, though I'm hoping to in my upcoming fantasy one. I'm sure myself and others would love an RPM compendium, there certainly seems to be enough content out there for one, whether it's already printed, or in your (and other's) heads.


I've been contemplating putting together a PDF of all the RPM traditions I've put out so far and offering it up here. Still thinking about it. Not sure yet.