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Today's first special offers more options for those who are blessed by the gods.

  (Note: This content expires on 4/5/19)  


GURPS101: More Blessed Options | Ravens N' Pennies

One of the more interesting traits in GURPS is Blessed. The Basic Set only offered two options: Heroic Feats allowing you to temporarily increase your stats and the ability to receive visions from your god. It's since be drastically expanded in multiple other books and was the subject of an entire Pyramid article (Blessed Be ...



Like them all, except that Sacred Might seems a tad too good in some campaigns. I could see a 10 or 15 point version that applies only to unarmed attacks, though. Tiny nitpick: you probably meant deus ex arma (though that should really be deus ex armis and since I can't stop "arms out of God" would make more sense than "God out of arms" so that would be arma ex deo (or arma ex dis for the polytheistically inclined)). Sorry for the everything you never wanted to know about Latin! ^^