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Today's second Patreon Special is a new psychic power for GURPS Psionic Powers psychic healers.

(Note: This content expires on 3/5/19)


GURPS101: More Psychic Healing Powers for Psionic Powers III | Ravens N' Pennies

I've done two other specials featuring psychic healing builds for GURPS Psionic Powers, here's another. Note, for games that use them, this is a Psychometabolic power . . . . . . if you'd like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.



That's also a really nice way to model rubber science biological experiments and such.


Agreed! Doug had this in the short-lived Halcyon campaign and he really had fun.


I just caught up on a lot of posts and this is the coolest thing I’ve seen in QUITE some time! Well done, sir!