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Monster Hunter techies can always use a boost, so why not allow them to use the rules for Metatronic Generators from Pyramid #3/46: Weird Science? WHY NOT INDEED?! To celebrate the release of GURPS Monster Hunters 5: Applied Xenology here are a few rules you can use for spicing techies up in your Monster Hunter campaign! http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2015/05/the-hurt-locker-metatronic-generators.html#.VUurYvlViko


Ravens N' Pennies: The Hurt Locker: Metatronic Generators for Monster Hunters

GURPS Monster Hunters 5: Applied Xenology is out to day and man it is AWESOME. No, to be fair, I got to see if beforehand so I knew of its awesomeness, but seeing it released is pretty great too. New rules for magic, monsters, and making Monster Hunters totally non-magical if that's something the GM wants.



Can you edit the link? It's broken, and I wanted to look up MG for magic items not based on the Magic hardcover.

