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I did some housekeeping today on my Patron (as some of you may have noticed). The reason? Well, that’s twofold. First, Pyramid is defunct now and some of my goals were no longer applicable. They had to go. Second, I’m dipping my toes in the fiction market and I want to start with Patreon and work my way towards self-publishing or shopping around stories to publishers. I don’t want y’all to think I’m going to be pushing out GURPS content for fiction - because I’m not - I created a separate tier for those who only want to support the fiction side of my Patreon and gave the tiers of $10 access as well. I’ve wanted to do this for a while now, but I need y’all to give me a push. Sometimes the faith my patrons have in me are about all that keeps me going.

Now, some other things I want to discuss. I want to be more involved on this platform. I let it slip by the wayside - I don’t want that to be the case anymore. So I’m going to be doing Patreon update posts monthly where I talk about what I have scheduled for the coming month:

2nd of the month: I’ll release a highlights blog post to tell you how the previous month went.

5th of the month: This is when I’ll release the Patreon Specials for those tiers that have access to them.

10th of the month: I’ll be releasing fiction for the Supporter III-2 tier and all Supporter V or higher tiers.

15th of the month: Every other month I’ll release a poll for releasing specials to the public.

20th of the month: Every 3-6 months I’ll release a poll to decide what content bundles patrons want of past specials or provide entirely new content to all patrons. Typically, this would be a much longer special than normal - e.g., a “mega” special.

As always, I’ve tried to be as open and transparent as possible about why I do things here. My thought is that if something isn’t working I should do my best to try to make it work for everyone involved. While this wasn’t a major reboot like last time, I did tweak a few things and I added a new thing (fiction) and I really wanted folks to know what I was doing. 


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