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Today is GURPSday so I'm going to chat about rules. In my experience you need to not only know the rules, but know when to modify them (or leave them alone). You may come up with the bestest most realistic amazing rule evar . . . but it's impossible to use in play. Or maybe you want to ignore a rule, but then realize it causes problems with other mechanics. Whatever you're doing, I got a few bits of sage advice to pass on . . . 


Gamemaster's Guidepost: When to Follow, Make, Ignore, Bend, or Break Rules | Ravens N' Pennies

GURPS is one of those games where if you try to use every rule for every circumstance you're going to create an unusable pile of crap. It's like sticking a bunch of magnets on a refrigerator and then expecting to see what color the fridge is.


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