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So the thought has crossed my mind that those who play Dungeon Fantasy might want a setting. Now, Mailanka (aka Daniel Dover) has set the template for creating settings for GURPS in his Psi-Wars endeavour and I'm wondering "Should I do the same for Dungeon Fantasy?

What do you think? Do you want a setting to use with Dungeon Fantasy or do you not?



Well, I wanted at least 25 "yes" and "yes, but" votes before I actively pursued this and I've got them. So this is going to be a thing now. I just need to figure the exact way I want to roll things out and how I want to let the voting on the process go forth. I will say patrons will get early access to material, shape it with polls, etc. They will also get access to Patreon-only material - I just need to figure out WHAT at the moment. Thanks for all the current and future replies.


So life has become unbearably busy and filled with woe. I still want to do a setting of some type in the future, but for right now it's not going to be a DF one. it's just too much work to do it right. I'm sorry, everyone. :-(