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 Well hell, it's about time I showed back up. My absence has not been one of choice and coming back to blogging and surfing the forums is like coming back home after a long trip out of town. You're exhausted from the trip, but you still want to spruce up the place a bit.

So now I'm back. From outer space. XD Here's the first post in about six months - the highlights from when I was away. Posting will resume to my normal two-day schedule (Tuesday and Thursday) and I'm going to try to get another day or two in (Sunday and/or Friday); we'll see how that goes.

It feels good to be back. 


Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights - December 2017 to May 2018 | Ravens N' Pennies

What can I say, it's been a while - almost six months. Where have I been for half a year? Honestly, I'd rather not discuss it. Let's just say that Life(TM) intruded in an extremely ugly way and there was simply no time for blogging.



I know you’ve been through a lot lately, but that’s the purpose of a “patron” on here, right? We’re not exactly paying for content, but to help support our favorite creators. We’re here for you and we thank you.