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It's been a while since I put out a Assembly Required post - that's mostly because I've been busy to a ghastly degree. Also, I've been sick (stupid Con Crud!), but I'm getting better. So here is step 5 of Outlining and it's a heckva choice the GM is going to have to make: what powers are in his setting? More than anything else, powers can define what a setting is and what genre it might be. It's a important step so think carefully about all the implications! http://www.ravensnpennies.com/2015/03/assembly-required-outlining-step-five.html#.VPmhWfnF_Cs


Ravens N' Pennies: Assembly Required: Outlining Step Five - Powers

Figuring out what paranormal powers (if any) that are available in your setting is something you should think long and hard about it. This decision is going to have great impact on how you run the game, what sorts of characters there are, etc.


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